Real Breast Reconstruction

Real Breast Reconstruction, founded by Dr. Lisa Cassileth, a board-certified plastic surgeon and leader in breast reconstruction innovation, has pioneered groundbreaking one-stage techniques that represent a new standard of care.

Mastectomy & Early Reconstruction Techniques

In the past, when mastectomy was the sole recourse for treating breast cancer, the journey ended there. Women were left to face the aftermath without the hope of reconstruction, a reality that presented physical challenges and profound emotional and psychological aftereffects.

Mastectomies at that time were not the refined surgeries available today. They were extensive and invasive, resulting in significant scarring—a permanent reminder of the cancer with lasting effects on the patient’s sense of femininity and self-identity.

When reconstruction became possible, patients had to endure an extended wait. And although early reconstruction methods offered an alternative to going flat, the results were less than aesthetically pleasing.

Traditional Breast Reconstruction Methods

The common practice in reconstruction has been to place tissue expanders at the time of mastectomy. These expanders are filled with an increasing amount of saline over several months to stretch the chest muscles and create space for the breast implants. Follow-up surgery is required to exchange the expanders for long-term implants.

Breast reconstruction has remained a challenging phase for many breast cancer patients, characterized by discomfort during expander inflation and the psychological impact of additional surgeries—all compounded by the physical reminders left by conspicuous scarring.

Immediate Reconstruction: Elevating the Standard of Care

One-stage procedures have been a game-changer, reducing overall recovery time and delivering excellent clinical and aesthetic outcomes. These procedures create a natural-looking breast in the same surgery as the mastectomy. You awaken from surgery with an intact breast and only a small scar. Learn more by visiting the following pages:

  • Getting the Right Mastectomy – Dr. Cassileth’s technique typically begins with a skin-sparing or nipple/areola-sparing mastectomy.
  • SWIM Breast Reconstruction – Developed by Dr. Cassileth, this technique uses your own tissues and does not require an implant.
  • Direct-to-Implant Reconstruction – Dr. Cassileth’s internal bra technique supports the newly formed breast and ensures a natural look and feel.
  • Breast Reconstruction Revision – Dr. Cassileth uses her skill and innovative techniques to help women who are unhappy with their earlier breast reconstruction results.
Trust Our World-Renowned Breast Reconstruction Surgeons

Our world-class facility in Beverly Hills serves breast reconstruction patients from the Greater Los Angeles area and beyond. To learn more about Real Breast Reconstruction, call us at (310) 278-8200 or contact us using the online form to schedule an appointment.
